Dimensioning has a huge number of options to control how the dimensioning is positioned and to control the visual appearance, tolerancing and method of dimensioning. Figure 12.1 shows the Dimensioning Parameters -dialogue.
Dimensioning is not ’associative’, i.e. once the dimension is created it will not change. If the part you are drawing changes you need to re-dimension. Fortunately this is quick and easy.
Most dimensioning commands accept that you either pick a shape to dimension or indicate two points from which the dimension is calculated. For example, you can point on a line to dimension it or click at the two end points.
With the Coordinate Dimension -tool you first enter two points to indicate an axis where the dimensions are created, and then one or more measurement points to create coordinates along that line/axis, for an example see figure 12.3.
Diameter and radius dimensioning come in two varieties for axis on and side view projection dimensioning.