Usally though, it is enough just to select one of the predefined coordinate system from the top toolbar, either 'Paper CS(mm)' or 'Paper CS(inch)'.
WebStart is a great way to deploy applications. With WebStart you get automatic installation: just click on the application link on the web page and the application is automatically downloaded and installed. Updates are automatic: every time you re-launch the application WebStart checks if an update is available and installs it. If no update is necessary the cached copy of the application is used, by-passing the download phase. If no web connection is available then the local cached version is also used, so that a web connection is not necassary to use the application. If you use the application frequently WebStart can even create a desktop short cut for it!
But still you may want to use the application without WebStart and that is possible and acceptable. Read on.
To use the application you need to download the application file manually. The application is containded in a single 'jar' file, which you can find at:
I'm not sure if all browsers support downloading any file but atleast FireFox and Opera work.
So download it and save it to a folder/directory of your choise.
To start the application go to the command/shell prompt of your favourite OS, switch to the directory where you downloaded the 'jar' file and type:
java -jar jDraft_obf.jar
(To make life easier, store the commands to a shell script or '.BAT' file...)
Under Windows it should also be possible to start the application by just double clicking the jar file.
That's all there is to it!